Seminer : “Science with CubeSats: A Step Towards (Turkish) Scientific Payloads in Space”

Konuşmacı: Dr. Emrah Kalemci

Sabancı University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

Tarih          : 09.03.2017 Perşembe Saat:13.00

Yer             : Astronomi ve Uzay Bilimleri Bölümü, Küçük Amfi I

Özet: CubeSats are miniaturized but complete satellite systems with the main idea of cheap and quick access to space. They are inherently high risk systems, use of commercial off the shelf (COTS) components is possible (and even encouraged) and the success rate is not high. However they cost much less than regular space based systems allowing universities to build them and educate students. Turkey, led by a group in Istanbul Technical University, has been building and launching CubeSats since 2009. In this talk, I will first describe CubeSats, and provide a couple of scientific examples (in space physics and astrophysics) of how these CubeSats are utilized. Then I will move on to my X-ray Detector (XRD) experiment, a payload that will fly on BeEagleSat which utilizes a CdZnTe detector and full COTS electronics. Next, I will talk about a possible future project for space physics that can be led by Turkish scientists, and finally finish with my outlook for real scientific missions with larger satellites built in Turkey.